Virginia Fire Chiefs Association

Administrative Professionals Retreat


VFCA Administrative Professionals Retreat

The VFCA Administrative Professionals Section (APS) hosts an annual two-day retreat; different jurisdictions throughout the Commonwealth host each year in hopes of attracting new professionals from the host’s region. Topics range from personal and work-related behavioral health, active shooter response for administrative professionals, understanding operations, to tips and tricks for Microsoft Office, social media, and public interaction(s). While we hope that each attendee leaves the retreat with a bit of knowledge or tools that may help in their professional experience, the ultimate goal is networking with our peers.

The APS has become an irrefutable tool for daily work life. If there is research to be done, or questions about a system or process members just have to reach out to the group and there are helpful responses. Members know that we can rely on each other not just during training, meetings, or conference but in our daily routines, as well.

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